Thursday, September 10, 2009

The flu and me...

Yep you guessed it I have the flu (possible H1N1) so i have been confined to home since tuesday. This is particularly a bummer because I cannot get to campus and use a web cam. It is frustrating to be sick and stuck at home not able to work (wow we need the $). Oh Well. I guess I will post the videos for the class when I get better.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Awkward is using a web cam

So not owning a web cam I am using the mac labs on campus with others all silently wondering why do I have to hear about this kids likes and dislikes! understandable but silly all the same. I guess that is the beauty of taking a class where you get to learn about technology.


I never thought I would ever blog. I guess life is full of unexpected changes. Autumn is huge and loves to roll over, drool, and talk. It is so much fun to be a dad.